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How Long It Takes Your Love Interest To Respond and Why It Matters

By December 31, 2014Dating Tips


If It Takes Them 1-10 Minutes to Respond… 

They’re definitely into you! If they take less than an hour to respond to your text, you’re definitely high on their priority list and cannot wait to hear what you have to text back! Consider yourself lucky because you are the apple of your love interest’s eye!

If It Takes Them An Hour or Two…

They could just be busy with other things: work, hobby, hanging out with friends. It’s not a red flag if it takes them an hour or two to respond back to you. If they’re busy doing something, but still take the time to respond to you, that means you’re still on their mind! Interrupting whatever activity they’re doing to respond back to you means you’re worth the interruption! No matter how long it takes your love interest to respond, if they respond, that’s always a positive sign that they like you.

If It Takes Them Half a Day…

Okay, so maybe they just forgot. Don’t fret! If a half a day is how long it takes your love interest to respond, they may just be trying to play it cool. Some people don’t want to seem too eager to respond especially if the relationship is brand new.

If They Respond Within the Next Few Days…

If your love interest responds to your text within the next few days and you know they’re not away on a vacation or preparing for a big work project, they may just be trying to analyze your connection. There’s still a hint of a connection if they still respond within the next few days; it shows that they’re still considering you. This might be the time to ask whether your budding relationship is a fleeting romance or something that has potential for the long haul.

If They Don’t Respond At All…

Sorry, they’re just not that into you. It matters how long it takes your love interest to respond truly does matter. The faster you can decipher if they’re into you or not, the sooner you know how to deal with your love situation.


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