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April 2014

Blog: How to Date After Divorce – It Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

By | Dating Tips | No Comments

blog-datingafterdivorceWhen you’re going through a divorce, you’re probably not overly concerned about how to date after divorce. You’re just working your way through the situation and trying to get out with as little damage to both yourself and your former partner as possible.

Dating after divorce is an entirely different animal. You have a past, a history and you probably have a few hesitations when it comes to jumping right back in. But if you do want to move on with your life and find love again – you’re going to have to make the jump. Read More

Blog: Should We Break Up or Stay Together?

By | Relationship Advice | No Comments

blog-shouldyoubreakup3There’s a reason why people talk about relationships being “work” – it’s because they are! But some relationships are more work than others, and if you find yourself in one that’s got you asking “should we break up?”, it’s definitely time to reassess.

Sit down and make up a list of pros and cons (it’s good to see all the reasons you work and all the reasons that you don’t). Tell your partner to make a list of his/her own, and when you’ve both finished come back to one another and talk out your feelings. BE HONEST. Read More

Blog: Parents Hate Your Girlfriend? Here’s How to Deal.

By | Relationship Advice | No Comments

Blog-parentshateLove your lady, but the ‘rents don’t feel the same? Not completely ideal, but not the end of the world either! First, you need to sit down with your parents and figure out what it is about your girl that they’re not so fond of – maybe she made a bad first impression? Or perhaps they just don’t feel like she’s the right one for you.

Whatever the reasoning is, you need to be clear this is someone you care for deeply, and while you appreciate them looking out for your best interests, at the end of the day the person you date is your decision. Read More

Blog: Is an Open Relationship for Me?

By | Relationship Advice | No Comments

Blog-openrelationshipDeciding to start an open relationship with your partner is a HUGE decision, and one that should definitely not be taken lightly! Whether you’re the one who suggested going open or your lover brought it to the table, make sure you really understand what you’re getting yourselves into – or you could end up in a seriously sucky situation. Read More

Blog: How to Know if He’s The One

By | Relationship Advice | No Comments

blog-hestheoneYou’ve found him! Sure, it may have taken some time to get here, but you finally found the perfect dude for you and life couldn’t feel any better. There’s only a single question that remains, and it’s the biggest one to answer – is he THE guy? Deciphering whether he’s “The One” or just the one for right now can be tough, but there’s a few things to consider that might make answering that ultimate question easier: Read More

Blog: 5 Cheap Date Ideas That Don’t Seem Cheap

By | Dating Tips | No Comments

blog-cheapdatseTaking out that special someone is a necessary step in the dating game, but when your bank account is short on funds, spending a ton of cash on going out isn’t always possible. The goal is to find awesome stuff to do together that doesn’t kill your wallet, and it’s a lot easier to achieve than you think! Check out these super fun AND cheap date ideas for some inspiration. Read More

Blog: 4 Dates Guys Love

By | Dating Tips | No Comments

blog-datesguysloveWant to treat your guy to the ultimate date? Forget the usual dinner and a rom-com shtick; pump him up with a special day out involving only HIS favourite things. Whether he’s a total car junkie or a sports enthusiast, this list has got your dude date planning totally covered!

1) Sports Game – Prep for some serious lovin’ after you hand him tickets to a ball or hockey game. Watching his fave team from the sidelines with a beer in hand and his lady by his side – it doesn’t get any better. Unless his team wins, in which case get your “Best Girlfriend Award” speech ready. Read More