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July 2014

Blog: How to Find a Healthy Balance Between Your Relationship and Your Friends

By | Relationship Advice, Self-Improvement | No Comments


We’ve all had them: The friends who spend ALL of their time with a significant other and almost none of it with the rest of their social gang. Problem is, when you spend zero time nurturing friendships, you end up losing them (and if a breakup should happen with your partner, life could get lonely). Balancing friends and relationships can be a tough act, but there are simple ways to do it right! Read More

Blog: Fashion Trends Guys Can Live Without

By | Style, Trends | No Comments


No matter what you wear your guy is bound to think you look beautiful (he better!), but there are some trends that women love that he just can’t seem to get behind. So, before you go reaching for more maroon lipstick on date night, check out these non-man friendly fashion trends and get tips on why dudes will never get your style. Read More

Blog: How to Make Your Profile Stand Out on Quest

By | Dating Tips | No Comments


Setting up a winning profile is the most important step after downloading the QuestChat Mobile Dating App because it’s the first introduction you have to the hundreds of local singles in your area! Want to know how to make the best first impression online? Here’s a few tips to help make your profile stand out (and to land you that first Quest date): Read More

Blog: How to Date a Sports Fanatic

By | Dating Tips | No Comments


Thought he just loved sports, but turns out he’s a complete fanatic? No need to worry, you can totally rock this thing – all it takes is finding out where you fit into his obsession, and working the support angle so he feels like you care about his interests. Come on, if he can deal with the hundreds of throw pillows, you can certainly cut him some slack on those Blue Jays bed sheets. Read More

Blog: What to Cook for a Gluten-Free, Veggie or Vegan Date

By | Dating Tips | No Comments


It seems with every passing year more and more people are choosing to overhaul their diets and live the gluten-free, veggie or vegan lifestyle! Whether your date has dietary restrictions due to allergies or not, it can be difficult to figure out where to take them for a delicious dinner out (especially if you yourself are a wheat-eater or carnivore). Check out the list below for tips on what to cook, where to find great recipes, and what local restaurants are best for both of you on date night! Read More