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Blog: First Date Icebreakers

By July 31, 2014Dating Tips


We’ve all been there- the dreaded first date. Maybe you’ve been talking to this person for a while, maybe it is a blind setup, but regardless you are going to be nervous. Never fear! We have you covered.

Do’s: Check out these great First Date Icebreakers to make sure you don’t get stuck in the dreaded ‘awkward silence’ phase. Stick to these topics and you will be onto date 2 in no time!

  1. Cover off your basics
    No matter how much you have talked previously, chances are you still have some of the basics to cover off. Favorite pastimes, schools,  pets/siblings, hometown, travel experiences- all of these will be easy conversation starters to get the ball rolling at the start of your date.
  2. Get to the fun stuff
    Depending on interests you may have discussed, come prepared with at least one fun/ funny anecdote. It doesn’t have to be totally pre-meditated, but have an idea in mind and let it flow out naturally. Bonus points if you can make your date laugh!
  3. Talk yourself through it
    When all else fails, make comments you can both identify with. Pick something to do with whatever date you are on. Whether the meal you chose is especially fantastic, or you are seriously owning that game of mini putt- use your surroundings!

At this point in the conversation, you should be feeling more comfortable. You can take it from here by letting your natural greatness shine through. After all, he/she came all this way to meet you so they must have seen something they liked! Just be yourself and it will all come together.

Don’ts: Now for the things to avoid. No matter how great your date is going, these are topics that are sure to bring it down. Stay away from these conversation points at all costs!

  1. Tricky Family Issues
    While you always want your partner to be supportive, you don’t need to offload everything on the first date. Building up your relationship takes time and usually there is a lot of background information that your new significant other will have to pick up on before they will be able to fully understand your history anyway, so save it for date 4 at the very least.
  2. Exes
    It doesn’t matter how cool this guy/girl is, nobody wants to hear about your ex on the first date. Not only can it make the other person feel like you aren’t emotionally available for a relationship, but bad or good, ex stories put a damper on the date. If you absolutely can’t hold back a story that involves your ex, try substituting the words ‘a friend’ instead, at least it will avoid putting the person off immediately.

If you keep all this in mind, you should be on your way to a fool-proof first date. Just remember to take a breath and keep it cool. The great thing about dating is that it is totally up to you where things go. Really hit it off? Great! Suggest a next date. Not your thing? Go in for the hug and that’s where it ends. Dating is meant to be fun, so don’t let the stress of a first date get you down. Get out there and enjoy it!

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