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Blog: How To Find Local Singles: Hit Up The Best Spots In Town!

Hobby or Support Groups

Seeking out people with common interests is a great way to expand your social circle and perhaps find the one you’ve been looking for all your life! Having an interest in the same hobby is already an ice breaker on its own and gives you an introduction to meeting people in a shared interests group.

Support groups, depending on the type, can be a bit trickier. Usually, the regulars who attend support groups are more likely to be open about speaking of their experiences. For example, if you’re attending a support group for alcoholism, some people handle their addictions differently. However, meeting local singles at a support group creates a more emotional bond between members. Supporting each other of your vices can help you connect on a different level.


Get involved in your community by volunteering some of your time! This is how to find local singles in town without the pressures of having to reveal all about yourself at once. Generally, people who volunteer their time to a greater cause are more likely to be open to meeting local singles as well.

Not only are you investing your time into a greater cause, but you’re also getting yourself out there for the other local singles to keep an eye out for! Often times, there are numerous volunteer groups who host events just for the local singles and what better way to meet a local single than through volunteering for a better world?

Group Dates

Gather your friends for a night and tell them to invite their friends as well! Spring for an activity that requires team effort, such as bowling or a dodgeball tournament. By masking the potential nervousness and awkward silences with a fun activity, this is how to find local singles without putting too much pressure on the fun!

Who knows? This group date might just end up with more couples than one!

Missed Connections

Take advantage of the internet on how to find local singles. In most communities, there’s a website dedicated to Missed Connections occurring throughout the town. Perhaps there was a lone individual who happened to be enamoured with your presence but just couldn’t pucker up the courage to come speak to you.

Or maybe you happened to speak to a stranger with whom you shared a spark with, but didn’t ask for a number. These Missed Connections forums are a great way to connect with a potential local single; second chances are for everyone!

Farmers’ Market

Most towns and cities have a dedicated farmers’ market that go on all year round. This is one of the best ways that show you how to find local singles. It may sound cliché, but farmers’ markets tend to attract large crowds and you might just end up speaking with someone over the great quality vegetables at this one stand or how tasty those homemade apple fritters were. Oh, they haven’t tried those apple fritters yet? Shuffle them over to the apple fritter stand and buy them one.

You’re bound to impress the local singles with your knowledge of high quality treats!

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