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Blog: Break Up Advice Your Best Friend Would Give You

blog-breakupadviceNo matter how it ends, there’s almost nothing worse than getting your heart broken. But the good news? Those wretched feelings don’t last forever! One day you’re going to stop creeping his Facebook, showering daily will make it back into your routine, and getting over it won’t be a phrase you just say, you’ll finally be able to do it. What you need is some break up advice from your BFF.

Here’s a little dating advice to help you get your life back to normal:

Tip 1: Deadline the Wallowing

You feel totally alone and completely miserable – it’s NORMAL! You’re not getting over this in a day, and depending on how long you dated you may even need longer than a few weeks, but the last thing you need is your life taken over by cry-fests. Put a deadline on feeling sorry for yourself and once it’s up make moves to get things back on track.

Tip 2: Delete His Number

So, wine night gave you the confidence you need to call him up and talk things out for the seventeenth time. Been there, done that, and guess what? It’s the worst idea, like ever. Telling him you miss him won’t make you feel better, and tomorrow morning won’t just offer a hangover, it’ll serve up a heaping pile of embarrassment too.

Tip 3: Listen to the Ladies

Nobody knows crappy breakups better than people who have been through crappy breakups. Your girlfriends won’t make you feel dumb when you ugly cry, and they’ll end up giving some great dating advice just by sharing their own stories. Plus, they’re guaranteed to make you laugh at least once!

Tip 4: Hit the Yoga Mat

Or spin class, or the treadmill, etc. Find a form of exercise that you love and push all the bad breakup energy into it! Instead of sitting on the couch eating your feelings, you’ll be out doing something that makes you feel good. You’ll also become the owner of a super hot bod – breakup revenge 101.

What’s your best piece of break up advice?

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