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5 Ways To Attract More Men

By February 26, 2015Dating Tips, Self-Improvement

1. Build Confidence

Confidence is sexy all year-round. Women who sulk around over the fact that they’re single throughout the year are unlikely to attract more men. These type of people just sort of blend into the background. When men see that a woman is independent and confident in being with herself, it makes her seem more attractive.

2. Get Into the Spirit of Each Month!

Get your ugliest bake Valentine’s Day cookies, wear all green on St.Patty’s Day or do a little charity work! Share these fun holiday activities on social media and you’re bound to attract more men! Really getting into the holiday spirit shows that you’re lively and not afraid to show it! Men love women who are lively and who know how to have fun.

3. Be Happy

Be happy. Happiness is the way to attract more men in 2015. Being happy generally makes you more attractive to everyone.

4. Give Yourself a New Year’s Makeover 

Get a new makeover! New clothes, new hair and freshen-up the way you apply your make-up. Freshening-up your style makes you pop out and is an easy way to attract more men! Men are visual, so they’re bound to notice if there’s a drastic change in the way you look.

5. Be More Sociable!

You won’t attract more men if you keep to yourself! Attend more events or hit up the clubs in your best get up! You’ll be showing off your new makeover and new-found confidence to the best guys!

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