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How to Spring Clean Your Love Life

By March 18, 2015Uncategorized


Digitally Delete Your Ex

Start things fresh with a total overhaul of your digital space beginning with a big delete of any and all references to your exes. The emails you’ve been saving for years, old text conversations that used to bring you joy on lonely nights, the Facebook creeping that happens each time you hear he’s with someone new—it’s time to let go of it all and move on. How? Erase the junk! You don’t actually need to have him on Facebook any more, those texts are unnecessary reminders from the PAST, and old emails are just sad. Clean it up, and quick.

Make a Promise to Yourself… and Keep It!

Everyone’s got love life baggage, but in order to start getting rid of yours you need to focus in on what’s it actually is. Maybe you’re scared of getting cheated on, or perhaps you’re wrestling with some major commitment issues – whatever the problem, make a promise to yourself to work on it! Of course, a promise alone is worthless unless you plan on following through, so set mini goals along the way to make sure you keep it.

Let Go of the Drama

There’s nothing like some thoughtful reflection and a little bit of meditation to help clear your mind, and if you’re holding on to past dramas or relationship issues – you definitely need it! Gather up all of the crap from the past, give it the acknowledgement it deserves, and then make it your mission to let it go. Once it’s all gone it’ll be gone forever and you’ll feel cleaner than you ever have before!

Date the Opposite of Your Type

The best way to break old habits is to try something totally new and different! So with that in mind, your next date should be with someone that’s the complete opposite of your ex (everything from their interests, down to their physical look). A fresh perspective and a change up in the dating routine could be just what you need to get your love life back on track.

Clean Your House. Literally

How can you possibly move on from old relationships if stuff from your ex is still in your pad? Go through your room(s) and get rid of anything that shouldn’t be yours any more (t-shirts, letters, that sweatshirt you wear to bed), it all must go for good. A true purge is the final step in freeing yourself from the past and once you’ve done it, you’ll be officially ready for a new love life phase!



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