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5 Things She Doesn’t Want to Hear About During Your Phone Chat

By April 30, 2015Dating Tips


Phone dating is a true art form that not everybody masters right out of the gate! Figuring out what to say and how to say it can be tricky for those that aren’t used to spending hours on the phone with someone new, but if you avoid these 5 topics on your next phone chat you’ll be one step closer to success.

1. Your Ex

Think of a phone chat as a first date experience! You wouldn’t spend hours talking about your ex or the problems of your past relationships if you wanted the date to be a success, would you? Avoid getting into ex-girlfriend conversations over the phone as much as possible – it’s a huge turn off for most ladies.

2. Bad Phone Dating Experiences

It’s probably not the smartest idea to gripe about how terrible the phone dating game has been for you on a first phone chat with someone new. Keep the conversation topics positive and light if your goal is to end up with a real life date in the future!

3. Weird Health Issues

No lady wants to hear about your digestive problems, foot odors, or any other gross health issue you’ve got going on, trust us. If you want her to find you attractive at this stage of the game then save the weird medical chats for your doctor’s appointments.

4. How Much You Hate Your Job

Sharing things about your everyday life with a phone chat date is great (and a huge part of getting to know someone), but you don’t need to share EVERYthing. Hate your job these days? Just like the weird health chats and the conversations regarding your ex, it’s best to keep your career misery on the lowdown. Negative topics are known to suck the life out of a phone chat in seconds flat!

5. Family Drama

If you’re not a huge fan of hearing about other people’s family problems then why assume that somebody wants to hear about yours? It’s important to open up on a phone chat and be honest when asked about different parts of your life, but save the dirty laundry for a different time. It’s just awkward.

Remember, even though you can’t see her, phone chatting should be treated like a first date scenario! If you wouldn’t say it to her face then leave it off the table when on the line.


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