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3 Fun Halloween couple costumes for film lovers!


Well it’s this Saturday! Yes the sacred and profane, the sugary sweet and sometimes sexy un-Holi-day that we’ve been waiting for all year; All Hallows Even’!

I won’t bore you with the long-winded explanation of the ‘horror-gins’ of the day, let’s just get into the fun part; dressing up in costumes! (now I am singing Games without frontiers all day!)

One of my favourite things to do on Halloween is to watch scary movies. It got me thinking about some cool, crazy, fun or creepy couples from the movies. Not even necessarily just the scary ones. So here are my picks for obscure, sexy, silly, or just plain weird costumes!


From the movie Juno with Ellen Page and Michael Cera, Juno has her signature dry cracks and sarcastic comments coupled with obscure cultural and entertainment references, more courtesy of Diablo Cody than of a teen-aged girl. She has dark brown hair and wears it in a fairly high pony-tail, along with jeans, a hoody inside of a lumber jacket (how very 1980!) and of course the apparent teenage pregnancy baby bump. Her reluctant baby daddy Paulie wears many things in the film but for me the costume that screams Paulie is his adorable school gym uniform in scarlet and gold (How Harry Potter!) with the gold sweatband around his brown curly hair and of course a worried somewhat confused look on your face could really complete the picture. This is a fun, easy-to-make costume that you could really ride out the night of partying in without much maintenance at all.




The Hunger Games

Katniss and Peeta or Katniss and Gale, depending on the hair colour of the male in the duo, from The Hunger Games.

There are so many costumes you could pick here but essentially you could pretty much just wear cargo pants, tees and vests or a slim fit jogging suit with a homemade hunger games logo, a Mockingjay symbol, the signature dark hair braided across the shoulder for Katniss, a spiky blond do or a spiky dark do for Peeta or Gale and lots of bruises, blood and guns, the fun part! Add your own sexual tension and you have an authentic and current Halloween costume!




Pirates of The Caribbean

You could go two ways with Elizabeth Swan played by Keira Knightley, accompanied by the love interest Will Turner, played by Orlando Bloom or you could have her alongside her…er…hate interest Jack Sparrow. Go with your gut and what suits the guy here but either way you are in for a fun night of playing pirates. Oh god I want to say Yar here but I don’t want to be cliche….ah hell with it…YAAAARRRRR!

Don’t worry too much about the details of the costumes just go with classic Pirate symbols and maybe add a black pearl to keep the movie theme apparent.

pirates all

Have fun kiddies and happy ‘Howloween’!

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