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5 Must-Have Character Traits to Look for During Your Next Phone Chat… or Any Date, Really

By | Dating Tips, Relationship Advice | No Comments

It’s easy to tell if there’s chemistry between you and someone else when you meet in person. Are you physically attracted to them? Are you drawn to them? Do you enjoy being around them? On the phone, however, it can take a little bit longer to know whether or not you’re really into someone. That’s why we’re sharing this article! Read More

Blog: Phone Dating 101: How to Tell if a Person is Worth the Second Phone Call

By | Dating Tips, Phone Chat Lines | No Comments

Had a great first phone date, but aren’t sure if you should make that second call? Starting a connection over the phone can be tricky for the most seasoned of daters – check these tips for how to tell if a person is worth the second phone call.

They Ask You about YOU

A great phone conversation (or any conversation for that matter) should be all about the give and take. Look for questions being thrown your way about life, your thoughts, your family, etc., after or before your phone partner answers some of his/her own. The back and forth makes for an engaging chat, but also proves that you’re not talking to someone who is totally self-absorbed. Read More

Blog: Great Personality, Horrible Sex & How to Deal

By | Sex | No Comments

There’s nothing more disappointing than connecting with a date everywhere, but in the bedroom! You know the story: the conversation is easy, your personalities work perfectly together and then you have sex – and it’s awful. Not sure how to deal? We’ve got a few options (from the extreme to the super mature) that just might make it all easier. Read More

Blog: How to Keep Things Fun in Your Relationship Starting with Halloween

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How Spooks Are The New Sparks

When Halloween comes to mind, it usually doesn’t foster romantic feelings or concepts. Couples shouldn’t be so close-minded though! Halloween is one of the best holidays to keep the sparks alive in a relationship. There are endless ideas on how to keep things fun in your relationship with the Halloween tradition. Read More

Blog: The Secret To Acing the Double Date

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Double Dating Dos

Double dating isn’t for everyone, but it’s worth taking the risk. You never know if you and your partner hit it off with another couple or if you and a friend find long life partners with two buddies. To ease the pains and stress of double dating, we’ve created a quick list of ways you can ace the double date. Read More

Blog: 7 Signs it’s more than just a Fling

By | Dating Tips, Uncategorized | No Comments


The summer might be winding down, but that doesn’t mean your summer fling has to too! Figure out if that perfect July love is the real deal by looking out for these seven signs.

1) Talks about the Future

If you and your summer romance partner are talking long into the night about the future (and seeing the other person in it) then you’re in a real relationship. Flings are for fun and the non-committal – they don’t include serious chats on where you’ll both be in 6 months! Read More