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Phone Chat Lines

Can You Still Connect with Someone Who’s Boring Over the Phone

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The short answer is no. The long answer? Anything is possible, but the chances of connecting in real life with someone who is SUPER boring over the phone are slim to none. Phone chats help warm you both up to meeting in person, and if the guy/gal on the other end can’t make that even a little bit interesting over the line, don’t count on them coming through in real life.

You Either Have Personality…Or You Don’t

A person who is boring over the phone is probably just as boring in real life. Fact. Personality is something you have or you don’t, and it’s also something that’s made evident no matter what the medium. A phone call, a text, an in-person hang – if somebody is fun that becomes obvious just as quickly as it does when someone is a total bore. But if there’s one thing we learn from a boring phone chat, it’s that a real life one would be just as lame! With apps like QuestChat you can avoid an awful date by figuring out if a connection exists over a phone call or message first. Getting the deets BEFORE the meet up – it’s kind of great right? Read More

Blog: How to Tell If She’s Interested in Dating You or Just Wants Someone to Talk to

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It’s easy to get into a relationship with somebody before you actually define what that relationship really means — we’ve all done it at some point or another. But there’s nothing more frustrating than wondering how the other person truly feels! Do they want to date you or are you just someone they trust and like talking to? Read-on to find out how to tell if she’s interested in dating you or just wants someone to talk to. Read More

Blog: Things You Can Tell About A Person Just By Hearing Their Voice

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Apparently, determining someone’s height is one of the things you can tell about a person just by hearing their voice. According to a study held by the Acoustical Society of America in 2013, participants who were given the task of determining someone’s height by listening to their voice can distinguish the tallest of two speakers about two-thirds of the time and could also group people according to their height with a good accuracy. The studies concluded that height has to do with how deep a person’s voice is as taller people tend to have deeper pitches. Read More

Blog: 5 Topics To Avoid On the Phone with a Guy

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phone date topics
1) Your Ex(es)

This is always a red flag. Discussing your ex(es) is number one out of all the topics to avoid on the phone with a guy. Why focus on the past when you can focus all your energies on a new potential partner? Talking about your exes and how horrible (or super awesome) they were will give off the signal to your phone chat partner that there may still be lingering feelings and that you might not be ready to move on just yet. Read More

Blog: Phone Dating 101: How to Tell if a Person is Worth the Second Phone Call

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Had a great first phone date, but aren’t sure if you should make that second call? Starting a connection over the phone can be tricky for the most seasoned of daters – check these tips for how to tell if a person is worth the second phone call.

They Ask You about YOU

A great phone conversation (or any conversation for that matter) should be all about the give and take. Look for questions being thrown your way about life, your thoughts, your family, etc., after or before your phone partner answers some of his/her own. The back and forth makes for an engaging chat, but also proves that you’re not talking to someone who is totally self-absorbed. Read More

Blog: 7 Reasons Why You’ll Love Chatting Live on QuestChat

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Blog-QuestChatLoveWe know, we know. Not everyone really understand what QuestChat is. Do you speak with a phone operator? Do you speak with other real, local singles? These questions are completely normal and very, very common. That’s why we’re breaking down the barriers between what you might think QuestChat is and what it actually is in our 7 Reasons Why You’ll Love Chatting Live on QuestChat post. Read More

Blog: Why People Use Dating Apps

By | Phone Chat Lines, Trends | No Comments

Blog-datingappsIt used to be that the only places to meet a decent guy or girl were through friends or at the office, but thanks to the Internet and genius app creators, access to other singles is unlimited. Instead of sitting around waiting for your Mr. Right to appear out of thin air, open up your options and check out why so many people are using dating apps! Read More

Blog: 3 Things You Didn’t Know About Phone Chat Lines

By | All About QuestChat, Phone Chat Lines | No Comments

All About Phone Chat LinesThe phone chat line is a very popular way to meet other people. QuestChat, for example, has been helping awesome singles meet other awesome singles – across North America – since 1987. Even today, it’s still the top choice for singles looking to chat and have fun.

In a world filled with online dating websites, mobile apps and social media websites – we get that phone chat probably isn’t the first thing you think of when it comes to meeting new people. With that being said, you’d probably be surprised to know that it’s a hugely popular option for people all across the USA and Canada. With thousands of singles calling in every single day, there’s always someone to chat with. You’ll have a blast meeting new people that you’d never otherwise meet! Read More