It’s easy to get into a relationship with somebody before you actually define what that relationship really means — we’ve all done it at some point or another. But there’s nothing more frustrating than wondering how the other person truly feels! Do they want to date you or are you just someone they trust and like talking to? Read-on to find out how to tell if she’s interested in dating you or just wants someone to talk to. Read More
Most people would say that fighting with their partner isn’t high on the list of fun things to do together; but hey, it happens! You can’t ALWAYS agree on everything; but honestly, you shouldn’t want to.
Experts reveal that some arguing is actually healthy in a relationship – read on for how arguments can actually benefit your relationship. Read More
Finding your voice in a relationship is already tough for most people, but when you add a shy personality into the mix it can feel close to impossible. You probably know couples that have found a balance (one is more extroverted than the other), but how do two shy people in love figure out successful communication? Get some answers when you check out this list offering a few tips for shy couples! Read More
We’ve all been there- the dreaded first date. Maybe you’ve been talking to this person for a while, maybe it is a blind setup, but regardless you are going to be nervous. Never fear! We have you covered. Read More
It’s no secret that women aren’t huge fans of the cheesy and/or creepy one liners, but there are some pick up lines out there that do work. Next time you’re at the bar try out a few of our suggestions – they might just help you get lucky!
You Look Like Someone I’d Like to Meet
This can play out two ways: smooth or super cheese, but it all depends on how you make your way over to the lady and say it. If you sweetly smile and prepare to introduce yourself while you speak the line, this is one pick up that could end in your favour. Read More
If you want to find out what’s really going on with someone of the opposite sex, read his or her body language. You’ll find all kinds of secrets being revealed in the way they stand, the way they touch your arm, even in the way they move their face!
Decode four of these body language secrets that you may not have paid attention to in the past using our helpful guide: Read More
Whether it’s in the office or the bedroom, communication is the key to success. Sound cheesy? Maybe, but if you think about any good relationship you’ve had with a colleague, a friend or a partner, chances are it all boiled down to the way you communicated with one another. Figure out how to communicate better with all of the different people in your life with a little help from these simple tips. Read More
Women might be known for saying one thing when they really mean another, but men are just as guilty of playing that game! Want to learn to read between the lines and decipher what guys are really thinking? Below are a few samples of things you’ve probably heard him say – along with what he ACTUALLY means.
He says: “I’ll do it later.”
This is classic for “I don’t feel like doing that at all so I’ll just delay until you forget/do it without me.” You’ll often note that this response comes after you’ve asked him to clean something, take out the garbage, or help you with a decorating issue. Read More
Talking to women might come easy for some, but one thing all men can agree on is how tough it is to always say the right thing! One minute your lady is asking you what you think of her hair, and before you know it, you’re in the doghouse.
Whether you’re single and ready to call the QuestChat chat line, or you’ve already found a great gal, here are some tips to keep the conversation with a lady going smoothly. Read More
Meeting new people is fun, exciting and a big part of life. Once you’ve spotted someone you want to “meet”, however, exactly how do you start a conversation with them without seeming creepy or weird? Well, lucky for you we’ve rounded up our top 3 ways to help you learn how to start a conversation with anyone, anywhere.
1. Smile and Say, “Hey!”
Remember when you were back in kindergarten and all it took was a smile and a greeting and away you went, off to be BFFs for ever and ever? It’s still pretty easy, and not all that different from when you were 5. Flash your potential new friend a smile and say hello! Read More