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First Date Ideas For June

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notepadGo to the Zoo

When the weather gets hotter, the animals are more active! Visit the local city zoo and be amazed by all the animals! This is a great first date idea for June because you can enjoy each other’s company with the animals. Try asking them which animals are their favourite and make it a point to bring them to their areas. Score! Read More

5 Phone Chat Turn-Offs for Men

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QuestChat is one of the best places to have a real conversation with some one you may hit it off with and there is an art to being a good conversationalist. Just like anything in life, it’s best not to go into a chat completely unprepared. Here are five phone chat turn-offs to avoid when speaking to a guy on Quest. Read More

5 Signs Your Relationship is Over & Why It’s a Good Thing

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If you’ve gotten to the point in your relationship where you can honestly say that things aren’t working any more then guess what? It’s probably over. But there’s always hope for learning and for new love even after something as tragic as a breakup. Look for these 5 signs to determine whether you should stick it out or not and why it might be a good thing to let it all end. Read More