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5 First RL Date Ideas For April

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inreallifedateideas With spring looming around the corner, great date ideas just keep popping outta nowhere! The weather is more permitting, the sun sets much much later and we all come out of our hibernation states! Although the weather can be a little unpredictable in April, we’ve listed 5 dates for different weather situations! Try out any of these 5 date ideas if you’re unsure how to take out your QuestChat sweetie for your first real life date! Read More

Blog: 5 Cheap Date Ideas That Don’t Seem Cheap

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blog-cheapdatseTaking out that special someone is a necessary step in the dating game, but when your bank account is short on funds, spending a ton of cash on going out isn’t always possible. The goal is to find awesome stuff to do together that doesn’t kill your wallet, and it’s a lot easier to achieve than you think! Check out these super fun AND cheap date ideas for some inspiration. Read More

Blog: 4 Dates Guys Love

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blog-datesguysloveWant to treat your guy to the ultimate date? Forget the usual dinner and a rom-com shtick; pump him up with a special day out involving only HIS favourite things. Whether he’s a total car junkie or a sports enthusiast, this list has got your dude date planning totally covered!

1) Sports Game – Prep for some serious lovin’ after you hand him tickets to a ball or hockey game. Watching his fave team from the sidelines with a beer in hand and his lady by his side – it doesn’t get any better. Unless his team wins, in which case get your “Best Girlfriend Award” speech ready. Read More