If you’ve gotten to the point in your relationship where you can honestly say that things aren’t working any more then guess what? It’s probably over. But there’s always hope for learning and for new love even after something as tragic as a breakup. Look for these 5 signs to determine whether you should stick it out or not and why it might be a good thing to let it all end. Read More
1. Living Alone
It’s so important to figure out who you are (and what you’re truly capable of) before you get into a serious relationship, and there’s no better way to do that than living on your own. You’ll learn how to rely on yourself for EVERYTHING, how to love being alone, and best yet, how to fix house things when they break. No for real, you should totally know how to do that! Read More
All good things happen in time, but you’ve got to be willing to let that time pass! Getting into a relationship too quickly can have some not so great consequences, which is why before you go rushing into anything you need this guide. Trust us. Read More
Ladies use their girlfriends as soundboards for all of their relationship joys and struggles, so it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise that guys turn to their friends for personal chats too! Their talks don’t get nearly as detailed (and they never last for more than 10 minutes), but they definitely happen. Want to know what they’re saying? Here’s the scoop: Read More
There’s a lot to consider when thinking about making the jump into a long-term relationship. If you’ve only ever done flings or under 6-month stints with a partner, then it’s definitely time to do some self-reflection on this major relationship move. Look for a few of these signs before you commit: Read More