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Why You Should Bring a Gift for Your Partner’s Family

By | Dating Tips, Relationship Advice | No Comments


Ready for an etiquette lesson? ALWAYS bring a gift when you’re meeting up with your partner’s family. It shows you have manners and that you care (and those are two massive things that all parents want to see in their child’s partner). However, there are some (read: VERY few) occasions where not gifting them anything is also totally okay! Figure out the ins and outs of gift giving with this handy guide: Read More

5 Ways To Attract More Men This Holiday Season

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1.  Build confidence

Confidence is sexy all year round, but confidence during the holiday season is sexier and a great way to attract more men. Women who sulk around over the fact that they’re single for another holiday season are unlikely to attract more men. These type of people just sort of blend into the background. When men see that a woman is independent and confident in being with herself, that makes her seem more attractive. Read More

Blog: Phone Dating 101: How to Tell if a Person is Worth the Second Phone Call

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Had a great first phone date, but aren’t sure if you should make that second call? Starting a connection over the phone can be tricky for the most seasoned of daters – check these tips for how to tell if a person is worth the second phone call.

They Ask You about YOU

A great phone conversation (or any conversation for that matter) should be all about the give and take. Look for questions being thrown your way about life, your thoughts, your family, etc., after or before your phone partner answers some of his/her own. The back and forth makes for an engaging chat, but also proves that you’re not talking to someone who is totally self-absorbed. Read More