Mobile Dating App: Hotlist Feature

The Quest Chat mobile dating app for iPhone and Android allows you to save profiles in a number of ways. Hotlisting a profile is super easy! When viewing an individual profile just click the ‘hot button’ to save that particular profile to your Hotlist.

If you want to access your Hotlist, just swipe left to access the main menu and you’ll see a section that features all of your lists. You can see all your ‘Hotlisted’ contacts, you can see who hot listed you, you can see who has viewed your profile and you can see your search history in who I viewed.

Save your profiles in one convenient location so that you can connect with them later. You’ll be able to quickly find that particular profile again the next time you use the mobile app. But remember that users can see if you’re checking out their profile! So be weary when you scoping out potential prospects!- they can see you.